Meet DAN

It’s been a little while since I’ve written/interviewed a creative, I’ve taken this past year to figure myself out. I have gone through the waves of pain and emotion and I’m feeling ready to publish new content! – Geena Rae

Today you’re going to meet Dan! I’ve followed Dan for a few months now and really loved her content and wanted to get to know her a little bit more…

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Hi I’m dan. I live in Seattle with my pup, Tim. I am currently an apparel design student and I also run a vintage resell business called, do you wish? (@doyouwish on Depop).  I specialize in creating gender neutral clothing for all humans. I love recreating vintage designer garments; putting my own twist on incredible timeless designs. My website is if you want to check them out!


Where do you get the majority of your inspiration from and how does it affect your creative work?

The majority of my inspiration comes from vintage designer clothing I find at thrift stores. I love to take them apart and look at the construction of the garments. I love to work with amazing fabrics from all over the world, that I would not normally be able to afford on my student budget. It is also extremely inspiring to look at all mediums of art, I particularly love relating garment designs to old abstract art and new architecture.

How do you balance creating content that others will enjoy but still stay true to who and what you like?

I believe very strongly that if I am emotionally attached to a garment/design and love everything about it, my customers will feel the same. I design from my soul, and I hope people will feel the emotion in my art. So, I don’t necessarily have to create content based on what other enjoy, because if I have a strong feeling about a piece, others will relate to it as well.


How has social media benefited your work and engagement with others? And how do you not let the negative side of things get it the way?

Social media is very beneficial to my work and engagement with others. It allows me to show every step of my design and garment construction process, allowing my customers to grow emotionally attached to the garment along with me. I have yet to receive negative feedback on social media. Everyone who follows me at this point has seen me from the beginning and supports me. I know as my career expands I will receive negative feedback from people I don’t know, but I hope to learn from negative feedback and grow from it, instead of allowing it to hurt me or my work.

How does your upbringing and where you live affect you and your work?

I was lucky enough to be born into an extremely creative, open, goal driven home. My family has supported every piece of art I have ever created and encouraged me to create art everyday. I am very fortunate to be surrounded by supportive humans.


What creative plans do you have for the future?

My career plans for the future are currently up in the air. I am not 100% sure what I want to do when I graduate school, but I do know that whatever I do, I want to put my soul in it, I want to be connected to my work, and I want to love what I do every single day.
My creative goals for the future are to create and collaborate with other people, I want to feed off of each others energy and make art as a collective.  I want to make people fall in love with their body, and with their clothes, and I want people to put on my clothes and feel like they are their best self.

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I’ve created a space to speak, to create, and to be. I hope to shed some light on the internal battles I have and show how I use the negativity in a positive way. My art, my fashion it’s all a way to cope. I want to meet other creative individuals and learn new ways to grow and understand them and myself. If you’re interested in collaborating with me or featuring your creative work on contact me below or email me at

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